RMT Podcast #165 - Paulo Fontes, MD, FACS

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Dr. Paulo Fontes. Dr. Fontes is a transplant surgeon, a scientist, and an entrepreneur. He is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a Deputy Director, McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine. He is also the Director of the Machine Perfusion Program, a collaborative effort between the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute (STI), Department of Surgery, and the McGowan Institute. Dr. Fontes discusses his research in organ perfusion.

For more information about Dr. Fontes, click here.

Host John Murphy.

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McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
RMT Podcast #165 - Paulo Fontes, MD, FACS
By |2017-07-13T19:59:50+00:00November 30th, 2016|Tags: , |

RMT Podcast #85 - Thomas Starzl, MD, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Thomas Starzl, MD, PhD. Dr. Starzl is a professor of surgery at the University of Pittsburgh and an expert in organ transplantation. He is considered by most to be the “Father of Modern Transplantation.” Dr. Starzl discusses the history of transplation as well as the five themes he has identified within the field of transplantation.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
RMT Podcast #85 - Thomas Starzl, MD, PhD
By |2017-09-05T15:24:26+00:00July 15th, 2010|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #21 - Shelley Zomak and Judi Vensak

Organ transplantation is a magnificent display both of medicine and the human spirit: The achievements of people who have received new hearts and other organs are truly amazing. Many of those triumphs are showcased in the U.S. Transplant Games, a biennial, Olympic-style athletic contest organized by the National Kidney Foundation. Events include swimming, table tennis, golf, basketball, track and field, tennis, bowling, racquetball, and volleyball.

Our guests for this podcast are Shelley Zomak and Judi Vensak, managers of Team Pittsburgh during the 2006 Transplant Games in Louisville, Ky. Ms. Zomak and Ms. Vensak also lead the organization of the 2008 Transplant Games to be held in Pittsburgh. In today’s podcast, they’ll tell us how they became involved in the Transplant Games, share their experiences at the 2006 games, and tell us what to expect from the 2008 Transplant Games, which will likely bring more than 7,000 observers and 1,400 athletes to Pittsburgh.

The 2008 U.S. Transplant Games will be held in Pittsburgh, Pa. on July 11-16, 2008. For more information, visit Team Pittsburgh.

Hosts Leah Kauffman and John Murphy. Interview by Leah Kauffman.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:

McGowan Institute Research Site
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McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
RMT Podcast #21 - Shelley Zomak and Judi Vensak
By |2017-07-13T19:09:04+00:00November 13th, 2006|Tags: |
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