RMT Podcast #212 - MaCalus Hogan and Jeanne Doperak

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Drs. MaCalus Hogan and Jeanne Doperak. Dr. Hogan is the Vice Chair of Education and Residency Program Director in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Dr. Doperak is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh and a Sports Medicine Physician with UPMC. Drs. Hogan and Doperak discuss guidelines to assist coaches, athletic trainers, and organizers with creating a safe environment for youth athletes, fans, and staff amidst CoVid-19.

For more information about Dr. Hogan , please click here.

For more information about Dr. Doperak, please click here.

To view the UPMC COVID-19 Return to Sports Guidelines, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

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RMT Podcast #212 - MaCalus Hogan and Jeanne Doperak