Dr. Anshu Mathur visits Regenerative Medicine Today and introduces us to her exciting research on regenerative medicine. Dr. Mathur is an Assistant Director for Research at the Laboratory of Reparative Biology and Bioengineering at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Dr. Mathur’s research objective focuses on elucidating the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in tissue engineered constructs developed from biologically derived materials for the treatment of chronic dermal wounds, where mechanical coupling of cell-matrix interface leads to contraction of the wound and cell-cell coupling is required to vascularize and activate normal scarring.

Her current projects are addressing the following areas:

  • To elucidate the therapeutic effects of chitosan-fibroin biopolymer blends on matrix-remodeling in order to transform the mechanical environment of the wound, redistribute cell focal adhesions, and influence mechanical properties of the cell and the matrix.
  • To exploit silk fibroin biopolymer micro/nano structure to tissue-engineer a scaffold that supports angiogenesis in order to provide blood supply to a healing wound.
  • To assess the synergistic effects of emodin loaded chitosan-fibroin nanospheres on chronic dermal wounds and scars by examining the RTK signaling to matrix adhesion sites in fibroblasts using TIRFM, thus providing a novel way to study therapeutic effects of drugs.

Additionally, Dr. Mathur describes a new academic program in bioengineering that is under development at the M.D. Anderson/University of Texas at Austin.

Details of Dr. Mathur’s work are available here.

Host John Murphy.

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