Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Stephen Badylak, DVM, PhD, MD, who is Professor in the Department of Surgery, deputy director of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and Director of the Center for Pre-Clinical Tissue Engineering within the Institute, and Blair Jobe, MD, Associate Professor of surgery in the Heart, Lung and Esophageal Surgery Institute at the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC. Drs. Badylak and Jobe discuss the recent successful use of tissue engineering in a non-invasive surgery to treat esophageal cancer as well as the potential benefits this technology holds for the future.

For more information about Dr. Badylak, please click here.

For more information about Dr. Jobe, please click here.

To make an appointment with Dr. Jobe, please click here.

To view the CBS 60 Minutes segment that feature Drs. Badylak and Jobe, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

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