RMT Podcast #76 - Ellen Gawalt, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Ellen Gawalt, PhD. Dr. Gawalt is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Duquesne University. She is also the Chair of the Graduate Admissions and Recruitment and a member of the NSF-REU Advisory Board. Dr. Gawalt discusses her research in controlling interfacial regions through chemical modifications by using biomaterials and biofouling.

For more information about Dr. Ellen Gawalt, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

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By | November 30th, 2009|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #75 - Lorenzo Soletti, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Lorenzo Soletti, PhD. Dr. Soletti is the Director of Technology Development at Neograft Technologies, Inc. Dr. Soletti discusses technologies currently used in treating cardiovascular disease as well as a new technology called Angioshield that he and his colleagues at Neograft Technologies are developing.

For more information about Neograft Technologies, Inc., please click here.

Host John Murphy.

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By | November 17th, 2009|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #57 - Kerem Pekkan, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Kerem Pekkan, PhD, who is an Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.

Professor Pekkan’s research interests include biomedical and bio-fluid dynamics, cardiovascular flows and circulation. His research also utilizes bioreactors and in vitro cell and tissue culture systems. He uses experimental and computational fluid mechanics in complex anatomical morphologies combined with image modalities and acquisition to address important clinical issues that are in the area of fluid mechanics related to congenital heart diseases.

For more information about Dr. Pekkan and his lab, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

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By | September 29th, 2009|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #74 - Robert Bowser, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Robert Bowser, PhD. Dr. Bowser is the Director of the ALS Research for the Pittsburgh Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases and at the Center for ALS Research at the University of Pittsburgh. He is also the Director of the ALS Tissue Bank, where he helps to create the largest such tissue repository in the country. Dr. Bowser discusses the state of neurodegenerative diseases, such as ALS and Alzheimer’s, as well as the unique challenges they present to researchers.

For more information about the Dr. Robert Bowser, please click here.

For more information about the Center for ALS Research, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

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By | September 16th, 2009|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #69 - Marie Csete, MD, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Marie Csete, MD, PhD. Dr. Csete is the Chief Scientific Officer at the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Csete discusses the origin of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine as well as what she sees as the future of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies.

For more information about the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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By | June 30th, 2009|Tags: , , |

RMT Podcast #65 - David Whitcomb, MD, PhD

Due to technical difficulties, Podcast #60 failed to post properly. For this reason, we have reposted.

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Dr. David Whitcomb who is Professor of Medicine, Cell Biology and Physiology, and Human Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh. Additionally, he is the Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, as well as the founder and Director of the Center for Genomic Sciences.

Dr. Whitcomb discusses the research of his Division that is pioneering alternative diagnosis and treatment for disorders of the pancreas, liver and the intestine.

For more information about Dr. Whitcomb, please click here.

For more information about the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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By | February 26th, 2009|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #62 - Sanjeev Shroff, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Sanjeev G. Shroff, PhD, who is the Associate Chair of the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh; Professor and Gerald McGinnis Chair in Bioengineering; Professor of Medicine; and Senior Investigator, Magee-Women’s Research Institute. Dr. Shroff shares highlights of his scientific studies on vascular stiffness and cardiovascular function as well as large-scale mathematical simulations of biological systems for research, education, and engineering design.

For more information about Dr. Shroff, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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By | January 2nd, 2009|Tags: , |

RMT Podcast #60 - David Whitcomb, MD, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Dr. David Whitcomb who is Professor of Medicine, Cell Biology and Physiology, and Human Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh. Additionally, he is the Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, as well as the founder and Director of the Center for Genomic Sciences.

Dr. Whitcomb discusses the research of his Division that is pioneering alternative diagnosis and treatment for disorders of the pancreas, liver and the intestine.

For more information about Dr. Whitcomb, please click here.

For more information about the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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By | December 2nd, 2008|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #59 - Vera Donnenberg, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Dr. Vera Donnenberg, Assistant Professor of Surgery and Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Pittsburgh.

A persistent problem in cancer treatment is cancer recurrence after apparently successful therapy which in turn is mediated by a dormant and protected cancer stem/progenitor like cell. Her lab is focused on approaches that can be translated into and understanding the biologic basis for treatment failure and identifying new immunological therapeutic targets. She introduces the concept of a cancer vaccine to address these needs.

For more information about Dr. Donnenberg, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

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By | November 19th, 2008|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #54 - Thomas Tillet

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Thomas Tillett, who is the founding President and CEO of RheoGene. Under Mr. Tillett’s leadership, RheoGene established an innovative clinical development program with the RheoSwitch ™ Therapeutic System that has led to the first human clinical trial of a small molecule induced gene regulation system.

A Phase I clinical trial for melanoma was started in 2008. This represents a major advance for gene therapy therapeutics that offers the potential for significant improvements in safer and more controllable forms of gene therapy. RheoGene also received a $4.3 million grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation to support the development of a novel therapeutic for Parkinson’s disease.

Mr. Tillett also led the successful merger of RheoGene Inc. with Intrexon Corporation at the beginning of 2007.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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By | August 20th, 2008|Tags: , |

RMT Podcast #51 - Jorg Gerlach, MD, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Jörg C. Gerlach, MD, PhD.

Dr. Gerlach is Professor of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to his current appointment Dr. Gerlach founded the Charité Institute for Transplantation and Organ Regeneration (CITO) at the Charité Medical Faculty of the Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.

His specialties lie in surgery, hepatology, intensive care and experimental transplantation medicine. Additionally, he has an engineering background with expertise in artificial organ development, hybrid system research and preclinical trial efforts.

Dr. Gerlach discusses his work on the development of tools such as bioreactors for the expansion of cells so that sufficient cells are available for cell-based therapies. Areas of focus include pancreas, and liver. He also explores the development of “cell factories” for the production of cells from a patient’s bone marrow.

Another of Dr. Gerlach’s interests is cell-based burn therapy, which is described on the interview.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Gerlach’s Bioreactor Group.

Host John Murphy.

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By | June 6th, 2008|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #50 - Kasey Marra, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Dr. Kacey Marra.

Dr. Marra is an Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh and Director of the Plastic Surgery Lab at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Marra’s research is focused on the use of adipose derived stem cells for the regeneration of nerve, bone, adipose and cartilage. The lab uses adipose-derived stem cells for these bioengineering applications.

The Lab is combining basic science and clinical research to turn innovative ideas into realities through the use of adult stem cells derived from fat. Fat, or adipose tissue, contains an abundant number of adult stem cells, over 10 times more than in bone marrow. These cells not only regenerate adipose tissue, but they can reconstruct a variety of injuries and defects by being coaxed to develop into nerves, bone, or cartilage.

Finally, Dr. Marra discusses her strong commitment to mentoring women and minorities in the career opportunities that are available in science and medicine.

For more information on the Adipose Stem Cell Center, please click here.

Click here for more information on the Plastic Surgery Research program.

Host John Murphy.

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By | April 29th, 2008|Tags: |

RMT Podcast #47 - Phil Campbell, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Dr. Phil G. Campbell. Dr. Campbell is a Research Professor, Institute of Complex Engineered Systems, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Also he has academic appointments in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Biological Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering, and the Molecular Biosensor and Imaging Center at CMU.

Dr. Campbell’s research is focused on the development of “tool sets” that will be resources for regenerative medicine research and clinical therapies. In the podcast he discusses his work on methodologies and systems that will be required for cell expansion on a commercial vs. a research basis, and how his research is addressing those needs.

He also shares some insight into the use of inkjet printing technologies to print tissue engineered constructs using “bio-inks” vs. the traditional inks used in such printers. These tool sets are proving to be a significant resource in the study of cell growth on tissue engineered constructs.

Finally, Dr. Campbell discusses his strong commitment to science-based education: from elementary students to senior citizens.

For more information on Dr. Campbell, please click here.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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By | February 14th, 2008|Tags: , , |

RMT Podcast #46 - Alan Wells, MD, DMS

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Alan Wells, MD, DMS. Dr. Wells is the head of Cell Biology at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine. At the University of Pittsburgh, he is Vice-Chair and Thomas J Gill III Professor of the Department of Pathology. In addition, Dr. Wells is the Medical Director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) CSLI, and the Staff Pathologist at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Wells discusses his pioneering studies on tumor biology and wound healing. He shares insight into the basic science and to future clinical applications of his research. One of his interests is in the development of custom therapies, patient-by-patient, for certain illnesses, such as cancer.

Click here for more information on Dr. Wells’ research.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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By | January 31st, 2008|Tags: , |

RMT Podcast #45 - Eric Lagasse, PharmD, PhD

Regenerative Medicine Today welcomes Eric Lagasse, PharmD, PhD. Dr. Lagasse is an associate professor in the Department of Pathology and the Director of the Cancer Stem Cell Center, a joint venture between the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine and the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.

Dr. Lagasse discusses his pioneering research on the use of stem cells for liver therapy. He also describes his research on the identification of cancer stem cells, and possible alternative cancer therapies if the hypothesis is affirmed that cancer stem cells are the source of the tumors and the reason for metastasis.

Click here for more information on Dr. Lagasse’s research.

Host John Murphy.

For more information about the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, visit:
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By | January 9th, 2008|Tags: |
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