RMT Podcast #23 - Peter DeComo
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 300,00 people in the United States with kidney failure visit a clinic three or four days a week for four to six hours of dialysis. Imagine if these patients could have their blood cleansed of impurities while they slept in their own beds. In this podcast, Mr. Peter DeComo, a co-founder of Renal Solutions, Inc., describes an innovative dialysis system that people can use at home.
As we’ll hear from Mr. DeComo, Renal Solutions’ home dialysis system frees patients’ daylight hours and helps preserve their health because it provides gentle, efficient filtering at higher doses than traditional dialysis machines.
The Renal Solutions home dialysis system has FDA approval and will be available in early 2007.
Hosts Leah Kauffman and John Murphy. Interview by Leah Kauffman.
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