This podcast is required listening for anyone who looks at an academic medical center and sees only a large hospital.
According to Carolyn Green, Director of the Office of Enterprise Development, Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, publicly-funded research institutions like medical centers are important natural resources that stimulate knowledge and economies. In this podcast, Ms. Green discusses the economics and philosophy of government-funded research, answering questions like:
- Why does an academic medical center conduct research?
- Why does the government fund that research with our tax dollars?
- What happens to the discoveries that are made as a result?
- How is a scientific discovery transformed into a medical treatment?
- What makes industry investors want to develop a discovery into a cure?
- Where does regenerative medicine fit in?
To learn more about the Office of Enterprise Development at the University of Pittsburgh, see their web site. To learn more about these issues and opportunities in the translation of scientific research into viable products, Ms. Green suggests the web sites of the Association of University Technology Managers and the Licensing Executive Society.
Hosts Leah Kauffman and John Murphy. Interview by Leah Kauffman.
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